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Recipes for nice snacks

  • Breakfastmuffins with oatmeal and blueberry

    Do you want to have something else for breakfast then your usual? Make these breakfast muffins! They are full of fibers, so they will make you feel satisfied for longer. Eat…

  • Spiced bisquit hot chocolate

    Is it still allowed? Yes right? Nice hot chocolate! I had some left overs from my last recipe for fancy chocolate, because I bought too much chocolate. Silly me. I decided…

  • Fancy homemade chocolate from scraps

    In holland we celebrate Sinterklaas, which is a holiday for kids. During this holiday it is normal to give each other letters out of chocolate. Nice, right? The only thing is,…

  • Super fast, healthy icecream in 10 minutes

    Do you love icecream? I know I do, but a lot of icecream is not really good for you. So I have the perfect solution! This icecream is made within 10…

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